I apologize for anyone who is offended by ultrasound posting, but I don't see any harm in a face shot. This is a 3-D image of his face, and although it still is pretty alien looking, I like to think he is kind of smiling.

The funny thing is, it wasn't much of a surprise to me. Granted, there was still an element of suspense and excitement about having our baby's gender confirmed, but I have had these little feelings that it would be a boy before we even knew he was coming. Guess I passed my first test of mother's intuition. JK. Now rather than dreaming of making headbands and girly frills, I am setting my sights on adventures with insects and dirt- preferably more of the the latter;)
P.S. The Joys of Basement Living.
Speaking of insects, I am revisiting one of the very first blogs I wrote about married life, only this time it involves a much more dangerous brand of arachnid. A giant (the biggest I have seen thus far in my short lifetime) black widow was crawling on the couch next to where I was sitting last night during scripture study. Josh was the conquering hero and killed it and the egg sac it left under our couch, and then proceeded to spray our apartment with spider killer to calm my hysteria. I don't know if it was the Lord shaking me from my spiritual repose, but if it was, He surely did the job because I don't think I can even sit on that couch without being very alert from now on.