Sunday, July 15, 2012

Many Happy Returns

Most of the pictures don’t need an explanation. One is a family picture taken when Joshua was just barely three-months-old. Another is us at the pool this week. My mom and dad and siblings in the Manti Pageant. Joshua trying out his dad’s cowboy hat on the 4th. Josh’s graduation.
It’s been a while. Much has happened…and not happened for us here in the Kirkman Clan. Josh graduated this May Suma Cum Laude (yeah, my hubby is a jamn denius) with his Bachelors of Architecture. He has really been a trouper this last semester with a 21 credit load, work, and a new baby, but somehow he muddled through;)
We anticipated a flood of work opportunities for Josh, and granted, he did have several interviews and submitted countless resumes. But as luck would have it, most places prefer an architect with more experience under his belt. To make a long story slightly shorter, we held out as long as we could, waiting for a company to take a chance on a new guy, but in the end, our bank account decided that we could wait no longer.
In June, my parents were kind enough to take us under their wings and give us a place to live. During the month, we continued to look for work, interview, and enjoy our summer going camping, hot air ballooning, and reunioning. Josh spent his days working for my dad fencing and irrigating. This week we were very blessed to have Josh start his new job at the Fillmore cheese plant. We still have hopes of further education and a career in architecture, but for now our student loans and savings account for graduate school need some attention.
I am soaking in the plethora of babysitters and loving feeling of progress that exercise gives me. Although I can honestly say that I never wanted to come back to my hometown, I can also honestly say that it’s not so bad…in fact, life is pretty good. For the first time in a long time, I have gotten one-on-one opportunities with my siblings.
Joshua is now 6 months old! I can hardly believe how fast my baby is growing and how much personality he has. Lately he has figured out how to give very slobbery kisses and is scooting around on his fat little elbows. Joshua looks like a baby jack-o-lantern with his two baby teeth sticking out and uses them to bite anyone who dares to cross him.