Picture taken five or six months ago. Joshua about nine-months.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had decided to not post again until we had a change of circumstances for the better. Not that life is not good-- just nothing I really cared to write about(?). That, and besides having the cutest baby on earth who is growing way too fast, life has been pretty darn stagnant up until now.Things that are the same: Josh is still plugging away at the cheese plant. I am proud of his perseverance. We are still playing creepers in my parent's basement similar to Harry Potter, minus the hostile treatment and living under the stairs. Still in love with being a mother...on most days.
Fastest changer: Joshua. It makes me sad when I think about how my little man has gone from being an infant to toddler overnight. Joshua is walking, trying to put on his own shoes, and has learned exactly how to throw the world's funniest tantrum. He starts to shake and holds his breath until his face is beat red, all the while growling ferociously. On the other hand, Joshua has learned how to blow kisses, yell "mama!", and give bear hugs or "1, 2, 3, SQUEEZE!". Who knew a year could bring about such changes?!
Things to look forward to: Mostly, the future! As President Monson says, "The future is as bright as our faith," and I have faith there are great things in store for our family. First of all, we decided to remodel the family and add a new addition around September first. We wanted Joshua to have a buddy...keeping our fingers crossed that it's a boy, but we will find out the beginning of April for sure. A girl would be ok too;).
Also, Josh is anxiously awaiting word from University of Nebraska (Lincoln), University of New Mexico (Albuquerque), and University of Kansas (Lawrence), to find out where we will spend the next three years of our lives. Word of acceptance/decline should be coming sometime during the next month.
All in all, search as I may, I can't find a whole lot to complain about. Come daylight savings, it will be another story. (Loosing sleep is the polar opposite of loosing weight. Not a happy camper.)