Sunday, July 15, 2012

Many Happy Returns

Most of the pictures don’t need an explanation. One is a family picture taken when Joshua was just barely three-months-old. Another is us at the pool this week. My mom and dad and siblings in the Manti Pageant. Joshua trying out his dad’s cowboy hat on the 4th. Josh’s graduation.
It’s been a while. Much has happened…and not happened for us here in the Kirkman Clan. Josh graduated this May Suma Cum Laude (yeah, my hubby is a jamn denius) with his Bachelors of Architecture. He has really been a trouper this last semester with a 21 credit load, work, and a new baby, but somehow he muddled through;)
We anticipated a flood of work opportunities for Josh, and granted, he did have several interviews and submitted countless resumes. But as luck would have it, most places prefer an architect with more experience under his belt. To make a long story slightly shorter, we held out as long as we could, waiting for a company to take a chance on a new guy, but in the end, our bank account decided that we could wait no longer.
In June, my parents were kind enough to take us under their wings and give us a place to live. During the month, we continued to look for work, interview, and enjoy our summer going camping, hot air ballooning, and reunioning. Josh spent his days working for my dad fencing and irrigating. This week we were very blessed to have Josh start his new job at the Fillmore cheese plant. We still have hopes of further education and a career in architecture, but for now our student loans and savings account for graduate school need some attention.
I am soaking in the plethora of babysitters and loving feeling of progress that exercise gives me. Although I can honestly say that I never wanted to come back to my hometown, I can also honestly say that it’s not so bad…in fact, life is pretty good. For the first time in a long time, I have gotten one-on-one opportunities with my siblings.
Joshua is now 6 months old! I can hardly believe how fast my baby is growing and how much personality he has. Lately he has figured out how to give very slobbery kisses and is scooting around on his fat little elbows. Joshua looks like a baby jack-o-lantern with his two baby teeth sticking out and uses them to bite anyone who dares to cross him.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Little Things

Lately, our house has become cluttered with little socks, diapers, throw-up towels, onesies, and most every other little thing that comes with having a baby. And when I look at all of the many dishes that have been neglected and hours that have gone unslept, combined with an ever growing array of little paraphernalia, I can't help but think that I deserve credit for coming up with the perfect recipe for a short circuited memory. So if any of you need to forget an unwanted appointment with your boss or bishop, come spend a day at the Kirkman's. Before you know it, you too will forget to get dressed only to hear a knock on the door and realize that it is mid-afternoon and your baby is content, but you forgot to turn off the oven.
Motherhood is an adjustment.
BUT I love it so much! I can honestly say that nothing brings me greater happiness than seeing my sweet baby happy. He is growing much faster than what I would like. At two months, he is barely fitting some of his six month clothes and is quite long. I am confident that little Joshua will grow up to have a career involving highly trained leg aerobics...possibly be the next Billy Blanks (?). He loves to kick and kick and smile and then kick some more. Josh gave a beautiful baby blessing last Sunday and the luncheon was yummy, thanks to my mom and Grandma Tippetts and all who brought salads/desserts.
Good news all around: we purchased a 1998 Buick Century off of KSL for a super good deal. It only has 82,000 miles and runs like a teenager on steroids. I feel like a new woman with wheels to the outside world!
This week was spring break down at SUU. Josh spent it busting his brains trying to finish his home-study physics class while Joshua and I made ourselves scarce at Grandma Lisa's house. We have had fun testing out our chauffer skills on the kids and practicing early bedtime habits.
Stay tuned for some baby/car pics!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Beginnings

On January 5, 2012 at exactly 7:23 a.m., one week past the due date, Josh and I embarked on the scariest, most wonderful adventure either of us ever hoped to experience...parenthood. Joshua Franklin Kirkman was born via C-section due to the doctor's concern about his weight on the ultrasounds, and the fact that my body did not want to prepare at all to give birth. Although he was not the whopping 11 lbs. the ultrasound predicted, he was 9 lbs, 14 ounces, and 21 and 1/2 inches long, which was reason enough for me to be very grateful we are blessed with the technological advancements of our day. We named him "Joshua" because it fit perfectly, better than any of the names we had debated earlier in our pregnancy, because he looked just like his daddy's baby pictures, and because I admire my husband just that much;) Also, it is a bit of a tradition with his family to name some part of their first born sons after the father. Then "Franklin" is a stretch from my late grandfather Frank Tippetts, an amazing man who lived his life in a way I hope our baby will. We are planning on calling him "Joshua" and his dad "Josh" or to avoid confusion, "Joshua Franklin". The happiest moment for both Josh and I was when we heard the startled cry of our baby (over the doctor's commentary about baby Joshua's broad shoulders), and Josh was able to bring him over to the operating bed and hold his tiny cheek to mine.
Needless to say, our lives have taken a total turn-around from the start, beginning with a very strange, limited sleep schedule. I never thought I would rejoice over four consecutive hours of sleep! If it's true that there "ain't no rest for the wicked", Josh and I must be the devil's henchmen because I have never been more exhausted in my life. Hopefully part of it is due to recovery time...otherwise I am not sure how much longer I will have my wits about me. Nothing could have prepared us for the selflessness that goes into parenthood. Everything that was once all about us and what we wanted is now all about Joshua and what he needs. All of the work put into taking care of one little person is unbelievable, and makes me want to be filthy rich to pay my own poor parents back for all the trouble I caused them;) The reward of having this sweet, beautiful spirit in our home far outweighs the cost. He brings us more joy and happiness with each passing day and strengthens my testimony that our Heavenly Father has an infinite love for His children.