Kind of funny how things work out. I just get used to having someone next to me in bed and now I am supposed to get used to going to sleep without him. Thus, I am writing this rather than failing again at sleep.
Well, we had both better get used to this schedule as it is the one we will be living for the next two semesters. Our days have gone something like this: I wake up (?) at five and go to work at six. Josh rolls out of bed and then goes to his morning job at seven until his classes start at nine. We both work/go to classes until four and then spend two hours together before Josh goes to his night job at six-thirty and I study/go to bed. We are both taking fourteen credit hours of intense classes (since both of us are finished with our General Ed. requirements). We both agree that Spanish is the pits- the fly on the watermelon- the calories in the chocolate- the stain on the favorite shirt- the- you get the idea. Unfortunately, sixteen language credits are required for my B.A. I don't have much sympathy for Josh as he is being masochistic and taking this torturous class of his own free will and choice. Thankfully we are taking an institute class together on Tuesdays/Thursdays called "The Gospel and the Productive Life". So far it is a very applicable class with new spins on old ideas.
I was recently called as the Relief Society secretary. It is an exciting calling (yes, I am serious). Josh and I are both thinking something is going to have to go or we will both go crazy with my three jobs and Josh's two.
Anyway, this is not a whining post. We have been very blessed with FAFSA this year and Josh's scholarships. It literally pays to be a married student;-) Hopefully we will be able to take care of my student loans with the extra money. Go figure. Josh brought his brains into this relationship and scholarships and I brought debt and more laundry than is humanly decent.
If you should be wondering how this picture of my old roomie and I clinging to a bridge is applicable to this post, it is the beginning of the semester. Enough said.
Whew! Sounds crazy! Hope you are still hanging in there.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Diana. We will keep doing just that very thing;)